Evil Machinations is branching out. Starting 6 October 2009, I’ll be publishing a free weekly newsletter called “Beg, Borrow, and Steal”. Not a repeat of my blog posts, BB&S will contain:
- Small locations you can drop into any game — a tavern, an inn, a spaceport, etc.
- NPCs — people you can add to your game
- How to’s for everything from making props to setting a mood
- Anything else I feel like throwing in
The idea is to provide GMs with small bits of information they can use immediately. My ideal would be to provide you with something to cause you to say “Hey, that’s really cool — I think I’ll use it tonight.” The information will be as non-system specific as possible. You can sign up for BB&S in the box at the top of the left column of this blog.
I’m also open to ideas from other GMs. If you’ve got a great tip or idea you’d like to share, send it on over. If I like it, I’ll use it and give you full credit (which, right now is the only thing I can pay you with, since the newsletter’s free ). Just email your ideas to jade(at)rpggm(dot)com.
Look for the first issue on Tuesday, 6 October 2009.